Eddie Vega
writer, etc.

Public Affairs / Public Information Officer
New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)
Hunting for Clues and Keeping Out Pests: Adopting an Integrated Pest Management Approach at NYCHA
Clear Channels, Safe Residents: Pilot Program Coordinates Incident Response
NYCHA’s Department of Strategy & Innovation: A New Way to Operate
New York City Independent Budget Office (IBO)
Some Community Board Budget Priorities Face Budget Axe, Again
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2011
Sidewalk Standoff: Street Vendor Regulations are Costly, Confusing, and leave many disgruntled
Budget Options for New York City
Organized crime undercovers start new lives, mark the end of an era
Blue Magazine: the Independent Voice of Law Enforcement
US workers seek career change in comedy
Chinese herbs catch on big in US
Columbia News Service
Kids comedy schools offer more than laughs
Columbia News Service
Churches book comics and attract new members
Columbia News Service
Law Reports
Julius Baer v. Wikileaks | Internet Law
Swiss bank sought shutdown of whistleblower Web site
Triple Crown v. Citigroup | Contract Law
Banks should be required to fund buyout, plaintiffs claimed
Veman v. Morris County | Discrimination Law
School should have provided sign interpreters, deaf plaintiff
Ross v. Hewlett Packard | Contract Law / Intellectual Property
Hewlett-Packard failed to pay software royalties, plaintiff said
Key Bank v. Motor Vessel "Inertia" | Admiralty Law
Bank sued boat owner under maritime law after loan default
Technical Writing
User Guide for UX Research Platform
UX Writing / Content Design
UX Writer Portfolio available upon request.